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Ordination to Holy Priesthood of Fr. Timothy Paproski (6/9/24)

On Sunday June 9, 2024, Fr. Deacon Timothy Paproski was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at our St. Nicholas Church, through the Laying-On-Of-Hands, by His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Co-celebrating with Metropolitan Gregory were Very Rev. Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky, pastor of St. Nicholas Parish for 39 years, Very Rev Protopresbyter Stephen Loposky, Very Protopresbyter Peter Paproski and Deacon Timothy.

At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory offered a special blessing on parish acolytes Luke and Peter, His Eminence also offered sincere words of gratitude to Fr. Ken and Pani Mary Bachofsky for their 39 years of untiring service to the Parish and wished them well in their retirement from active parish ministry. He also expressed his confidence in the newly ordained priest, Father Timothy, to whom he has entrusted the pastoral care of St. Nicholas Parish.

The faithful of St. Nicholas Parish look forward to this new chapter in their parish history, and pray that God will grant Fr. Ken and Pani Mary, much joy in their retirement, and good strength and many blessings to Fr. Timothy, Pani Hailey and Elijah as they begin their service in the vineyard of the Lord

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Fr. Timothy is presented for ordination by his father, Protopresbyter Peter Paproski and Protopresbyter Stephen Loposky the Administrator of Camp Nazareth.



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